New starters and mandatory updates
Induction & Mandatory updates for Learners
Peak Training Services is offering Free Mandatory training to Care Organisations.
This will give you peace of mind knowing all your staff are trained to a high standard as a result of evidenced-based learning.
Training will be conducted face to face offering interactive and shared learning, tailored to the needs of your own business.
This can cover topics such as - Medication Communication, Moving and Handling, Handling of People, Basic Life Support, GDPR, Medication Management, Equality and Diversity, Dignity, Safeguarding Adults and Children, Mental Capacity and Liberty of Safeguards, Person-centred Care Oral Health and Food Hygiene.

Your learning journey
- Role of the Care Worker
- Handling Information
- Communication
- Person Centred Care
- Equality & Diversity
- Health & Safety
- Infection Prevention & PPE
- Food Safety
- Medication
- Safeguarding
- Duty of Care
- Moving & Positioning Theory
- Moving & Positioning Practical
- Personal Development